Sunday, June 29, 2008

Term 2 week 5

Many who have witnessed the volcanic eruption reported that it was an awesome sight.Lava spilled everywhere and ashes was dispersed by the wind.After then terrifying event, QQ returned to his village only to find it completely obliterated while he searched through the debris for any sign of life.

Term 2 week 4

Even though the stone was an inanimate artifact, it was believed to be a powerful fetish .A prohibition of touching or even looking at the stone was placed on the rock.Even anthropologists whom studied many religions and beliefs find it bizarre for a rule like that.

Term 2 week 3

After a decade, QQ's immunity system was weakening causing him to more susceptible to diseases.His neurotic behaviour often caused him heart attacks which have high mortality rates. But doctors have no way to describe the strange phenomenon that he was always fine after the heart attacks and somehow seems better.
QQ was in a plight.His covert meetings with another girl was discovered by his girlfriend,Fei. Fei being unable to cope with their incompatibilityand his flirtatious nature decided to break up with him.QQ was then given the appellation of "playboy" after the news went out.

Term 2 week 1

QQ was the scion of a wealthy and powerful family. Many afraid of offending him showered him with fulsome compliments.Him being brought up in an atmosphere of opulence caused him to become spoilt. His father not wanting him to become spoilt tried to nurture goodwill into him hoping his son would ponder over what he had done and undergo a metamorphosis.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another thing that i like as much as sunsets are BABIES!! The first one was me when i was young and the second and third ones were my NEPHEWS. I went to hong kong during the holidays and was kind of surprised how much they grew.The one in red is Nathan,2, and the other one is Darren,?. Since it was hong kong , usually locals don't speak much english but when i met my nephew he said" im so happy to see you" in an extremely cute accent which melted my heart.I also met another 3 nieces from my paternal side. I think kids like me a lot cause all of them kept asking me to play with them. It must have been the "rocket" where i carry them and throw them in the air , wonder how it feels like though, must've been fun. Anyway looking forward to go back to my homeland so i can visit my cute nephews and nieces.

June hols journal 3

Ok this is the part two of my birthday celebration =).

If you're wondering why i had more than one celebration, its because some of my other friends couldnt make it due to camp and wanted to make it up to me.Well, its sort of a dinner celebration. Since we're still young and cant afford too expensive restaurants or fancy cafes, we went to seoul garden for a buffet.Many of my friends were surprised by my big appetite because i ate half an hour longer than them after they finished."Never judge a book by its cover", i may be skinny but i eat alot.Maybe its due to high metabolism i guess.After the long dinner and chat, we took some pictures before we left at around 12am.I had a great time.

P.S I WANNA GET FAT( this is random)

Oh yea part 3 was the same as part 2 except with different friends.

June hols journal 2

During the holidays i had plenty of chances to stay out late and witness many sunsets unlike during school days. I dont know why but im crazy about sunsets. Everytime i witness a sunset i feel very relaxed , its like all my worries and burdens are setting together with it. It also reminds me that another day of my life has just passed and how i should cherish the next. So everytime i see one i'll snap a picture of it to cherish the moment.

Anyway whoever needs photos of sunsets, i have hundreds. Feel free to ask me for some =)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My birthday during the holidays

Im being forced to write about something during the june holidays which already passed long long ago. And adults always say forget the past and think of the future so why cant mr kek forget about the journals that i owe him. =)Forgive and forget.

My birthday was kind of a last minute thing so i had to invite friends,buy food and book the barbeque hut and prepare the food all before late afternoon.By the time the barbeque started i was already exhausted but i was happy that most of the friends i invited turned up.

It was sort of a tradition that you'd get punk'd during birthdays so i already expected something to happen to me and i was right. They all bought water balloons and chased me all around the condo but it was fun anyway.Luckily i didnt get poured with flour or get Birthday "BASHED"

Two of my friends were late so we all planned to throw them into the swimming pool when they reached. They were frantically running away when we all chased them and pulled out their shoes,socks and valuable before throwing them in.

Overall my whole birthday was great but that was only part 1 of my celebration.

The end

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My favourite writer is RUSSELL LEE .
Because his ghost stories books is the only book i read =).
Anyway heres the facts.
1.All of the tales are collected by him and his team or sent by readers.
2.Asia's top writer of ghost stories.
3.His book is turned into a 13 part tv series.
4.His appearance is unknown as he never included photographs of himself and turns up in public in a mask and all wrapped up covering every inch of his body.
5.Most of his stories occur in asia.