Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My birthday during the holidays

Im being forced to write about something during the june holidays which already passed long long ago. And adults always say forget the past and think of the future so why cant mr kek forget about the journals that i owe him. =)Forgive and forget.

My birthday was kind of a last minute thing so i had to invite friends,buy food and book the barbeque hut and prepare the food all before late afternoon.By the time the barbeque started i was already exhausted but i was happy that most of the friends i invited turned up.

It was sort of a tradition that you'd get punk'd during birthdays so i already expected something to happen to me and i was right. They all bought water balloons and chased me all around the condo but it was fun anyway.Luckily i didnt get poured with flour or get Birthday "BASHED"

Two of my friends were late so we all planned to throw them into the swimming pool when they reached. They were frantically running away when we all chased them and pulled out their shoes,socks and valuable before throwing them in.

Overall my whole birthday was great but that was only part 1 of my celebration.

The end


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