Sunday, January 20, 2008

TERM 1 WEEK 3 Journal .

It started off a day with propitious. I was meeting Min Min,Dayang,Edward,Mayer and regina for a movie,"cloverfield" and a buffet dinner. But at the very last moment i was importuned by my mother to babysit my sister and friends as there was no one else who was free, so i was only able to make it for the night movie.

Just a brief introduction to the movie "Cloverfield". Its about a man named Rob and his friends who went braving all dangers just to save Rob's lover,Beth even though their city was being attacked by a terrible creature who was capable of demolishing buildings and it even tore off the statue of liberty's head.The movie was filmed that in a video cam whereby it become our eyes and ears.I think that Rob's actions actually jeaopardized his friends as they were suppose to escape to another city before ttheir city was bombed.

My favourite part of the movie was when they were in a subterranean tunnel and it was pitch dark, when they suddenly hear weird noises.It left us in suspence as we couldnt see what was actually there, then Rob suggested that his friend used the night vision on the camera to see what was there when they suddenly got attacked by the weird creatures.It is incontrovertible that the movie was exciting but it caused the audience to be nauseous which wasn't what was expected.

After the movie, we all went around to take pictures around the esplanade and Fullerton hotel.On the overall even though i missed out on the dinner, i really enjoyed myself.

END OF JOURNAL(pics below)

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Several months elapsed and today was my mother's birthday, and i haven't got a present yet.Our family decided to give her a suprise by throwing her a mini-birthday party at our house but we had to bring her out of the house so as to prepare the necessary preparations,while i had to get her a present.I gave my mother a garbled statement that i needed to go to school for remedial class but she didn't believe me as it was a saturday.Luckily my father corroborated with me and said that my teacher already called him.Everything was in a rush and even my plegmaticsister was excited.

I was in charge of getting the cake from the bakery while my sister and brother decorated the house while my father brought my mother out to distract her.Everything was messy and i expected it to be a fiasco .My neighbour saw me leaving my house in a rush asked me if anything was wrong and after explaining the situation i was in he offered to help me retrieve the cake.

After several hours, everything was done meticulously and we were awaiting the return of our mother. On the table was a tiramisu cake, my mother's favourite, lighted with candles and laid beside them were all the presents. Upon hearing the sounds of the door opening, i gesticulated everyone who quickly ran to the door and screamed suprised upon sight of my very suprised mother.
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Target Audience-Everyone

What is freedom? Is it the right to do anything you want without worrying about anything ? Or is it to stay out late everyday ? Well this is what every teenager wants but what parents refuses to give. Parents are always overly worried about their "baby" being in influence of the bad which may result in their child smoking,stealing or eating drugs.But have they ever thought that all their child wants is actually just to be happy ?All they want is just to spend more time with their friends ? The factor that links freedom is trust.

Parents who doesn't allow their child to stay out late is the lack of trust between them . Parents don't trust that their child is able to stay out of trouble. But have they ever thought that if they keep them at home, they will think why am i doing all this ? what am i studying for ? When theres actually nothing for me to pursuit. If their parents just give them some freedom, they will actually find out that theres fun and happiness in this world for them to pursuit and study for . To be able to achieve, they need happiness in their life to spur them on.

Sometimes, too much freedom will may also cause their child to fall into the bad influence but parents can easily prevent this. Just tell their child that if he wants freedom he has to let them know who hes going out with.This way the child would not have to badger their parents to let them out of this jail cell and prevent unnecessary arguement.Another effective way of dealing with this is by making a criteria and a curfew, the child's results must meet the expectations of their parents which is not too demanding and they are able to report home before a specific time.

For all teenagers out there, your parent's nagging may seem interminable but they actually care for you and tries to protect you from any harm .If you want are unable to meet with your parent's demands and maybe come home later than the curfew given, your parent's trust may be lost.So if you want happy memories of your childhood instead of doleful ones please try and communicate more with your parents.