Saturday, March 22, 2008


Sam was reviled by Rajeez for his racist statements and was ordered to recant his derogatory statements . Rajeez's pesky actions led to a fight whereby it was resolved by a teacher. What Rajeez heard was nebulous causing him to indict Sam as a racist. Sam recognised Rajeez's amnesty and they were friends again.


Adam's cage was redolent with his "aroma". He was omnivorous and ate almost anything.Adam's diet was abstemious he fed on disparate food like fruits,vegetable and meat.Adam,the bear, was in repose after eating a sumptuous meal.

Rumours were rife that ever since our neighbour's family was dismantled, Mr lee has been very restrictive towards her daughter by locking her at home all the time. He would balk at the idea of letting her daughter out to meet her friends. This caused her daughter to crave for freedom and to be overcome with a feeling of nostalgia and yearn for the times when her mother was here.


After eating a sumptuous meal at the closing of Lee's restaurant, Mr Laa agreed to underwrite the restaurant thus solving all pecuniary matters the restaurant had. But soon the mendacious claims of Mr Laa soon led to a strife between him and Mr Lee.
Do parents over-control their children nowadays?

In the modern days now, teenagers are often jealous of other friends as their parents give them a lot of freedom and assume that their parents over control them.But they fail to realise the incontrovertible truth that their parents are trying preclude them from being near bad influence or just aren't used to their "baby" going out so late.

Firstly, teenagers feel that their parents are trapping them in a cage and controlling them like a puppet, sometimes parents can be really unreasonable by not even letting you go for your best friend's birthday. But in some cases , parents are afraid that their child may get hurt when they are out of their vision, children can solve this problem by asking their parents along.

Secondly,sometimes teenagers feel that their parents are over controlling their lives by choosing the "Best" type of friends they can be with. Parents are actually just afraid that their friends may be a bad influence to them as this may tarnish their bright future ahead. Bad influence may cause their child to steal,smoke or take drugs so parents always take extra caution by choosing the friends that their child should be with.

In conclusion, in some cases parents do over control their children but in most cases parents are just actually afraid that their babies may get hurt or badly influenced thus causing their child to think they are over controlling them .